We would like to provide you with information on how to prepare the ears for ear wax removal by Endoscopic Micro-suction as we find some patients are preparing the ears incorrectly that can cause issues with wax being removed, or the patient having to have alternative methods of wax removal such as irrigation that isn’t considered as safe as Endoscopic Micro-suction.
To prepare the ears for Endoscopic Micro-suction we ask the patient to use a medical grade olive oil-based ear wax softer only, such as “Earol” that can be purchase at most pharmacies and supermarkets 2 days prior to their scheduled appointment (providing there is no perforations to the eardrum) and keep ears dry. We do not recommend use of hydrogen peroxide or sodium bicarbonate or any other type of ear wax softener and cotton buds should not be used.
Just to summarise:
• Do not use hydrogen peroxide or sodium bicarbonate softening drops- These types of drops prepare the ears well for irrigation but not so well for the safer method of Micro-suction.
• Do not use cotton buds to clean the ears
• Do not allow water to enter the ears.
• Use a medical grade olive oil to prepare the ears for micro-suction (such as Earol)-using for 2 days is usually sufficient.
• Other than the use of olive oil drops, keep the ears as dry as possible.
Should you have any question please feel free to call us on 01202 085239
Customer Service
DisappEar Wax